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Hello python, ipynb 파일 py 파일로 만들기, 실행, 자료형

by pub-lican-ai 2018. 1. 9.

jupyter notebook을 열고 하단의 스크립트를 작성하여 first_script.ipynb로 저장하고 실행한다

print("Output #1: hello python")

Output #1: hello python




print("Output #2: four plus five equals {0:d}.".format(z))

Output #2: four plus five equals 9.




print("Output #3: {0},{1},{2}".format(a,b,c))

Output #3: [1, 2, 3, 4],['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'],[1, 2, 3, 4, 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth']

[ipython 파일 py 파일로 만들기]

해당 .ipynb 파일이 있는 곳에서

# ipython nbconvert --to script first_script.ipynb     (jupyter로 바뀌면서 deprecated됨)


# jupyter nbconvert --to script first_script.ipynb

[실행 가능한 py 만들기]


> python first_script.py

리눅스계열 에서는

$ chmod +x first_script.py

$ ./first_script.py

[자료형 - 숫자]


print("Output #4: {0}".format(x))

print("Output #5: {0}".format(3**4))

print("Output #6: {0}".format(int(8.3)/int(2.7)))

Output #4: 9
Output #5: 81
Output #6: 4.0

print("Output #7: {0:.3f}".format(8.3/2.7))


print("Output #8: {0:.1f}".format(y))


print("Output #9: {0:.2f}".format(r))

print("Output #10: {0:.4f}".format(8.0/3))


Output #7: 3.074
Output #8: 12.0
Output #9: 2.67
Output #10: 2.6667
<class 'float'>

from math import exp, log, sqrt

print("Output #11: {0:.4f}".format(exp(3)))

print("Output #12: {0:.2f}".format(log(4)))

print("Output #13: {0:.1f}".format(sqrt(81)))

Output #11: 20.0855
Output #12: 1.39
Output #13: 9.0


print("Output #14:{0:s}".format('I\'m enjoying learning Python'))

print("Output #15:{0:s}".format('long string long string long string long string\

long string long string long string long string long string '))

print("Output #16:{0:s}".format(''' triple single quotes 

for multi-line strings'''));

print("Output #16:{0:s}".format(""" triple single quotes 

for multi-line strings"""));

Output #14:I'm enjoying learning Python
Output #15:long string long string long string long stringlong string long string long string long string long string 
Output #16: triple single quotes 
for multi-line strings
Output #16: triple single quotes 
for multi-line strings

string1 = "This is a"

string2 = "short string"

sentence = string1 + string2

print("Output #18: {0:s}".format(sentence))

print("Output #19: {0:s} {1:s} {2:s}".format("She is","Very"*4,"beautiful."))

m = len(sentence)

print("Output #20: {0:d}".format(m))

Output #18: This is ashort string
Output #19: She is VeryVeryVeryVery beautiful.
Output #20: 21


string1 = "My deliverable is due in May"

string1_list1 = string1.split()

string1_list2 = string1.split(" ",2)

print("Output #21:{0}".format(string1_list1))

print("Output #22:Frist piece:{0} second piece:{1} third piece{2}".format(string1_list2[0],string1_list2[1],string1_list2[2]))

string2 = "your,deliverable,is,due,in,June"

string2_list = string2.split(',')

print("Output #23: {0}".format(string2_list))

print("Output #24: {0} {1} {2}".format(string2_list[1],string2_list[5],string2_list[-1]))

Output #21:['My', 'deliverable', 'is', 'due', 'in', 'May']
Output #22:Frist piece:My second piece:deliverable third pieceis due in May
Output #23: ['your', 'deliverable', 'is', 'due', 'in', 'June']
Output #24: deliverable June June

#join, strip, replace

print("Output #25: {0}".format(' '.join(string2_list)))

string3 = " Remove unwanted characters from this string. \t\t \n"

print("Output #26: {0:s}".format(string3))

string3_lstrip = string3.lstrip()

print("Output #27: {0:s}".format(string3_lstrip))

string3_rstrip = string3.rstrip()

print("Output #28: {0:s}".format(string3_rstrip))

string3_strip = string3.strip()

print("Output #29: {0:s}".format(string3_strip))

string4 = "$$Here's another string __---++"

print("Output #30:{0:s}".format(string4))

string4_strip= string4.strip('$_-+')

print("Output #31:{0:s}".format(string4_strip))

string5 = "Let's replace the spaces"

string5_replace = string5.replace(" ","!@!")

print("Output #32:{0:s}".format(string5_replace))

string5_replace = string5.replace(" ",",")

print("Output #33:{0:s}".format(string5_replace))

Output #25: your deliverable is due in June
Output #26:  Remove unwanted characters from this string. 		 

Output #27: Remove unwanted characters from this string. 		 

Output #28:  Remove unwanted characters from this string.
Output #29: Remove unwanted characters from this string.
Output #30:$$Here's another string __---++
Output #31:Here's another string 
Output #32:Let's!@!replace!@!the!@!spaces
Output #32:Let's,replace,the,spaces

#lower, upper, capitalize

string6 = "Here's WHAT Happens WHEN you use lower"

print("Output #34:{0:s}".format(string6.lower()))

print("Output #35:{0:s}".format(string6.upper()))

print("Output #36:{0:s}".format(string6.capitalize()))

string6_list = string6.split()

string6_result = ""

for word in string6_list:

    string6_result += word.capitalize() +' '

print("Output #37:{0:s}".format(string6_result))

Output #34:here's what happens when you use lower
Output #36:Here's what happens when you use lower
Output #37:Here's What Happens When You Use Lower 


from math import exp, log, sqrt

import re

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

string_list = string.split()

pattern = re.compile(r"The",re.I)

#r: 원시문자열, re.I는 대소문자 구분 없이..

count= 0

for word in string_list:

    if pattern.search(word):


print("Output #38:{0:d}".format(count))

Output #38:2

#문자열내 발견된 패턴 출력

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

string_list = string.split()

pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<match_word>The)",re.I)

print("Output #39:")

for word in string_list:

    if pattern.search(word):


#match_word는 group명, 그룹에 해당하는 단어 출력

Output #39: The the

#문자열 내 'a'를 'the'로 대체하기

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

string_to_find = r"The"

pattern = re.compile(string_to_find,re.I)

print("Output #40:{:s}".format(pattern.sub("a",string)))

#re.sub 함수 the 패턴을 a로 교체

Output #40:a quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog


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